Wisdom teeth, or third molars, can sometimes cause problems when they erupt. We take care of all situations, from the simplest to the most complex, ensuring that wisdom teeth are extracted where necessary.
Our Swiss-made dental implants are titanium artificial roots that replace missing teeth permanently. They can also be used to support partial or complete removable prostheses to ensure optimal chewing and aesthetic appearance.
A sufficient quantity of bone is essential to ensure the stability of a dental implant. When there’s not enough bone, we perform a bone graft before or during fitting of the implant.
If gum problems can no longer be treated conventionally, we employ surgical care or grafts to solve the problems and improve the aesthetic appearance of your smile.
CO2 laser frenectomy is a virtually painless procedure that can be beneficial for infants with breast-feeding problems, teenagers undergoing orthodontic treatment or adults experiencing discomfort with a prosthesis.
If an infection at the end of a tooth root cannot be eradicated by root canal treatment, a surgical resection can be performed to remove the infected area and save the tooth.
Apart from wisdom teeth, other teeth may be impacted or fail to emerge properly. We provide customised solutions, such as extraction or ligature, to help the tooth emerge with orthodontic treatment.